Multiple Portals With Different Filters On One Layout Portals

But if you need to, you can switch between tables using the Table pop-up menu above the list of fields. Every record has to have data in its key field in order to relate to another table, so make sure you aren’t looking at a found set of just some of your records. When you add a field to the layout, FileMaker asks which field you want by showing you the Specify Field dialog box. Another way to quickly create a field with the formatting you want already on it is to copy/paste an existing field and its label.

You’re already storing the signing date and lease duration data for each lease. In this chapter, you’ll create a field that lets you know when each lease is ending. Then you’ll create a new table and all the supporting mechanisms for recording monthly payments. In the previous chapter, you created a custom database for storing Lease Documents.

We can add more if necessary, but 10K records are typically more than sufficient. If you need to generate more than one report at a time and/or interact with reports in browse mode, see Virtual List Reporting, part 4. To keep things simple we will produce one report at a time and not allow browse mode interaction.

The Virtual List Report Layout

By choosing formatting before you click to create a text block, you’re not only presetting the text block’s format, you’re changing your file’s default text format. FileMaker can draw tabs with Rounded or Square corners. This option is purely cosmetic, so choose whichever one you like from the Appearance pop-up menu. If you have more tabs than can fit given the size of the Tab Control, then FileMaker simply doesn’t show the extras.

After you click Next, the “Organize Records by Category” panel appears. Once you make a selection, the Specify Script window appears. Now that the script is ready to go, Unsort your records (choose Records→Unsort), and then run the script. You can use the Insert menu to place symbols where you need them, but just like Merge fields, you can type them in manually faster and easier. So once you’ve seen that “##” makes a page number, forget about mousing around, and just type the two number signs.

You can see that setting, and then turn it off, by choosing File→File Options (Figure 4-27). Watch the sample report as you make selections in the assistant’s windows. You’ll see clues about the type of report you’re designing. After you click Next, the Specify Fields panel appears. To test the script trigger, Unsort your list, and then switch to the Lease Agreement layout.

A. They have the same definition as cell_num_r, except the result type is date or text, rather than number. They are not used in today’s demo, but are included because they could likely come in handy at some point in the future. A. The 2D array will be a standard FileMaker list; each row of that list will be a 1D JSON array. Windows users can save scripts before closing the Edit Script window by choosing the Edit Script window’s File→Save Script command. Both PC and Mac fans can use the Save Script shortcut Ctrl+S (⌘-S). The filters the list of script steps so you can easily pick the one you need.

The portal is anchored on the bottom, then the portal rows get bigger. Otherwise, FileMaker keeps the rows the same height, and adds more as your window grows larger. That scrolls the field names so that you can see the one you need. Or you can drag the bottom border of the table occurrence to make it tall enough to show all its fields. Because you’re still viewing the Lease Agreement layout, you don’t see evidence of your new table yet. It’s a good habit to create a table’s key field first thing.

Summarizing data in portals

These are the settings for the Tab Control shown in Figure 4-17. Tab widths are automatically determined by the length of their names. But you can use the Tab Width pop-up menu to add extra space, set a minimum or fixed width, or make all tabs the width of the widest label. All Tab Width options are overridden if you select Full justification, though. FileMaker adds the three tab names to the Tabs list. The first tab you create is set as the Default Front Tab.

You can rename a field by selecting it from the list, typing the new name, and then clicking the Change button. Most likely, you are wanting to display multiple TO data in the same portal. FileMaker Pro Advanced enters the related values from the Sales table into the rows of the portal, and calculates the total of all sales for that salesperson in the Total Sales summary field. Text and Date – data type fields are working fine. But “Number” data type field is not sorting properly in the portal.. I think this is because of calculation result is “Text”.

And if you get it wrong, you can’t close the Manage Security window. If you can’t quite get the combination right, go back into the account you’ve just edited, and then retype your password. Once you get the combo correct, the window closes and you’re back on your layout.

If you know the exact name of the field you want, you can type it instead of using the Insert→Merge Field command. Just be careful to get the angle brackets and name of the field exactly right. If you make a mistake, all you’ll see in Browse mode is what you typed, and not the data you expect. If you don’t move your fields, the new Tab Control will be on top of them in the layout’s stacking order and it won’t be easy to select them afterwards. Although you’d think that the “Send to Back” command will fix things, it doesn’t always, so it’s just better to empty out the space first.

You also need a key field for hooking up Payments to the Lease Agreement table. And since it’s good practice to create a key field in every table, just in case, you’ll also add a paymentID field. From now on, every record you create in the Lease Agreement table will be assigned a unique number that you can use to create relationships to other tables.

This version of the Lease Agreement layout has a giant Tab Control covering most of its area. The Tab Control has three tabs, with the existing fields divided among them. The General tab has the basic data, plus a big new field for storing notes about the Lease Agreement. The Payment portal has been moved to the Payment tab and the Lease Document container field has been moved to the PDF tab, where it can take up lots of space and not compete with other data. You edit any related record by clicking in the field you want to change, and then typing the new info. Tab to the next row, or if you’re on the last row in the portal, click into blank space on the Lease Agreement record to commit the changes .

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